(South CHILE)


(New trip to South Chile - December 3 to 31, 2013)
(see here our 2008 trip and here our 2012 trip)

(See map and practical information here)

Yes, this is the view from Cochamó...
The Reloncavi estuary, most northern fjord of Patagonia.
In the background, volcán Yate (2111 m)

Here we met Ciro and Ida, who hosted us in their house,
as if we were part of their family...

From their backyard, the view on the estuary is breathtaking...



Ciro owns several horses, and he organizes "cabalgatas".
We will go with him to La Junta.
(See details on his site)





South of Cochamó, towards Puelo.
Volcán Yate.


At the top of the valley, we see the cliffs of La Junta : Ciro will take us there (on horseback !).


Watch out : these critters, called "tavanos", are exceedingly aggressive
... and their sting is quite unpleasant...
They dissuaded us from going to explore Lake Tagua-Tagua, East of Puelo.

In Cochamó and La Junta, they were few - and none in Chiloé.


A few practical informations

Cont'd... Page 3 (La Junta)